Wednesday 15 August 2007

Save Money on your shopping bill

Have you ever looked through your cupboards and had to throw out all the out of date items and the same with your fridge?

It is a good policy to clear out your fridge every week and make sure that all the items that are close to the use by date are moved to the front.

With your larder or pantry look through every month and make sure you are using up all those things you buy just in case. I often buy tins of chopped tomatoes and butter beans in case I run out of vegetables and can't afford to buy more, but these just seem to pile up in the cupboard. It is a good idea to make sure you run down your food low every now and again to make sure you aren't wasting money on it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You also need to be careful that you don't ovestock on food. It is great to buy things when they are on offer but if you buy too much you will have money put into items which coudl be making more money in interst in the bank.