Thursday 14 June 2007

Saving Money - The Little Things Add Up #1 - Newspapers

This is the first of my daily guides into how to save money. These suggestions all save small amounts, some only a few pence, but they all add up and can together reduce your spending by a huge amount each month.

How many of you buy a daily newspaper and find that some days you haven't even had time to open it? Or you do look through it but only at about 10% of the total news in the paper? Have you ever thought that the same news is available on the web for free? All of the big newspapers have their own websites and all of their stories can be found on them. If they have the occasional big story that the cut down for the web to get you to buy the paper, then you can buy the odd copy.
I haven't bought papers for years and don't have a TV but still manage to find out what is happening in the news by looking on the Internet. It might only save me about 30p a day for my local paper and £1 for my Sunday Times but over a month that is a saving of over £12 a month and £145 a year. Little things certainly do add up and with that £145 I can get a weekend away instead of a mountain of papers to recycle.

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