Monday 18 June 2007

Saving Money - The Little Things Add Up #5 - Presents

I am sure that from time to time we all struggle to be able to afford to buy presents for people. Some months my daughter has 2 parties a week and there are lots of presents to be bought.

What I do is keep my eye out for bargain toys and other presents all the time and buy them when they are cheap. Then I have a stock of things, and if I get an unexpected party or birthday that I hadn't budgeted for, I usually have something ready to give.

I also get cheap cards when I can find them. If I see some pretty cards at bargain prices I will buy several of them. And with wrapping paper I buy it from markets rather than shops where it is much cheaper. You might not be able to get Spiderman or Barbie on the paper but it is 10p a sheet rather than £1.

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