Friday 15 June 2007

Saving Money - The Little Things Add Up #2 - Clothes

When I'm looking for new clothes I start off by searching in the charity shops. Sometimes you can find new or nearly new items at a bargain price.

If I have no luck I look on ebay. Things can be expensive on there, but there are still bargains to be had.

Next I will look in the cheaper shops like Tescos, Primark and Peacocks. It may be that they have a cheaper version of what you want that can be dressed up and no one else will know that it was cheap.

The other way I save on clothes is to wait till my birthday and Christmas and ask for either clothes or money to buy clothes. That way I can treat myself to something really nice, without feeling guilty about spending the money on it.

If you do like clothes from more expensive shops, try to wait till the sales, or give yourself a limited budget to spend so you try harder to find a bargain.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It is often worth looking through your wardrobe before shopping as you may find things you havent worn for ages that you forgot you had or you may be able to make a new outfit with some seperates.